ActionDefinitionReference | Represent a reference on action in a process scheme |
ActivityDefinition | Represent an activity in a process scheme |
ActivityExceptionsHandler | Exceptions handler for activity |
ActivityTimeout | Timeout for set Due date |
ActorDefinition | Represent an actor in a process scheme |
ActorDefinitionCompare | |
Annotation | Represent an annotation than can be attached to ActivityDefinition or TransitionDefinition |
Assignment | Assignment (task) |
AssignmentCreationForm | Provides a form to create a assignment |
AssignmentFilter | Represent assignment filter |
AssignmentManager | class for working with tasks within one process |
BaseDefinition | Represent a base object in a process scheme |
CodeActionDefinition | Represent a code action in a process scheme |
CodeActionParameterDefinition | Represents a parameter for code action |
CommandDefinition | Represent a command in a process scheme |
CommentDefinition | |
ConditionDefinition | Represent a transition's condition in a process scheme |
DefaultDefinitions | |
DesignerSettings | Represent settings used by Workflow Designer |
DropdownValue | A name-value pair for a ParameterType.Dropdown parameter |
DynamicParameter | Dynamic parameter, properties can be accessed two ways de["propertyName"] or (de as dynamic).propertyName Property names are case sensitive |
DynamicParameterConverter | |
FilterParameter | {InverseExpression} ( {Name} {ExpressionType} {Value} ) |
Localization | |
PagedResponse | Response with pagination |
ParameterDefinition | Represent a parameter in a process scheme |
ParameterDefinitionReference | Represents a named reference on a parameter in a process scheme |
ParameterDefinitionWithValue | Represent a parameter in a process scheme with value |
ParametersCollection | Represent a collection of process's parameters |
ParameterTypeExtensions | |
ProcessDefinition | Represents object model of a scheme of a process |
ProcessInstance | Represent a instance of a specific process |
RestrictionDefinition | Represent a transition's restiction in a process scheme |
SchemeDefinition | Represent a not parsed process scheme |
TagHelper | |
TimerDefinition | Represent a timer in a process scheme |
TransitionDefinition | Represent a transition in a process scheme |
Translation | Represent a localization record in a process scheme |
TriggerDefinition | Represent a transition's trigger in a process scheme |
UnknownParameterType | |
WorkflowRuntimeModel | |
WorkflowTimer | |