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Nexmo Plugin

This plugin implements functions for sending messages via Nexmo.

Installation and settings

Install the NuGet package: WorkflowEngine.NETCore-NexmoPlugin.

Add the following namespaces to the usings section:

using OptimaJet.Workflow.Plugins;

Create a plugin object and arrange the required Settings:

var nexmoPlugin = new NexmoPlugin();

// Here are your settings

// nexmoPlugin.ApiKey = "API_KEY";
// nexmoPlugin.ApiSecret = "API_SECRET";

Connect the plugin to the WorkflowRuntime:

var runtime = new WorkflowRuntime();



String: A parameter for access to Nexmo (API_KEY).

Used for NexmoSendMessage.


String: A parameter for access to Nexmo (API_SECRET).

Used for NexmoSendMessage.


Read about actions.


Sends a message.


ApiKey : String *

A parameter for access to Nexmo(API_KEY).

The value is taken from ApiKey, if specified there.

ApiSecret : String *

A parameter for access to Nexmo(API_SECRET).

The value is taken from ApiSecret, if specified there.

From : String *

A string that contains the address of the sender of the email message.

To : String *

A string that contains the addresses of the recipients of the email message.

Message : String *

A string that contains the message body.