ActorsApi | |
AggregatingActionProvider | |
AggregatingDesignerAutocompleteProvider | |
AggregatingDesignerParameterFormatProvider | |
AggregatingExternalParametersProvider | |
AggregatingRuleProvider | |
AssignmentApi | |
BaseAggregatingProvider | Base class for all aggregating providers |
BeforeActivityExecutionEventArgs | Represent information about an activity which was planned to execute, contains ProcessInstance object |
BPMNApi | |
BulkCreateInstancePrams | Object that represents information which is required for mass creation of processes |
BulkOperationOptions | Auxiliary parameters that configure bulk operations. |
CodeActionsCompiledEventArgs | |
CommandExecutionResult | The result of command execution |
CommandParameter | Represent a command parameter for use in an application |
CreateInstanceParams | Represents parameters for creation of an instance of a process |
DeactivatedDesignerAutocompleteProvider | |
DeactivatedDesignerParameterFormatProvider | |
DeactivatedWorkflowActionProvider | |
DeactivatedWorkflowRuleProvider | |
DefaultRuntimeIdProvider | |
EmptyDesignerAutocompleteProvider | Represents an empty designer autocomplete provider. |
EmptyDesignerParameterFormatProvider | Represents an empty designer parameter format provider. |
EmptyWorkflowActionProvider | Empty action provider for system purpose |
EmptyWorkflowExternalParametersProvider | Empty external parameters provider |
EmptyWorkflowRuleProvider | Empty rule provider for system purpose |
NeedDeterminingParametersEventArgs | Event args for request parameters for creating a process |
NeedTimerValueEventArgs.TimerValueRequest | |
NeedTimerValueEventArgs | Event args for request timer value |
OfflineApi | |
ParametersSerializer | |
ProcessActivityChangedEventArgs | Represent information about an activity which was set as a current acivity of process, contains ProcessInstance object |
ProcessHistoryItem | Represents a record of transition of process from one Activity to another |
ProcessStatusChangedEventArgs | Represent information about changed status of a process |
ProcessStatusWait | |
ProcessTimer | Timer of a process |
ResumeParams | Represents parameters for resume the process |
ResumeResult | The result of resume execution |
RuntimeStartEventArgs | Provides data for the RuntimeStart event. |
SchemaWasChangedEventArgs | Represent information about changed scheme of a process |
SetStateParams | Represents parameters for creation of an instance of a process |
StartingTransitionNotFoundEventArgs | Represent information about case when we try to update a subprocess's scheme but there are no starting transition in a new sccheme of a root process |
TimerToExecute | Represent a timer information |
TimerToRegister | Represent a timer to register in persistence store |
UserIdentity | |
WorkflowCommand | Represents a workflow command for use in an application |
WorkflowErrorEventArgs | Represents information about an error occurred due to execution of a workflow process |
WorkflowRuntime | Provides main API to operations with workflow processes |
WorkflowRuntimeBulkApi | Runtime API for bulk operations |
WorkflowRuntimeConfigurationExtension | |
WorkflowRuntimeGetActorsApi | Workflow Runtime API extension for GetActors methods |
WorkflowRuntimeGetActorsWithCommandsApi | Workflow Runtime API extension for GetActors methods |
WorkflowRuntimeSettings | |
WorkflowRuntimeStartResult | |
WorkflowRuntimeTimeExtensions | |
WorkflowState | Represent a state of a process for use in an application |
WorkflowSync | |