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Workflow Engine Web API

The Workflow Engine Web API is a library for the ASP.NET framework that allows you to integrate a ready-made API into your application for managing data and processes within Workflow Engine instances. This module is easily integrable and highly customizable, saving you from the routine development needed to integrate Workflow Engine into your web ecosystem.

GitHub Sample

If you want to see a code example as soon as possible, you can open the Sample project on the public GitHub repository. It uses all the Workflow API packages and includes a basic structure of an ASP.NET application with a security system example based on JWT tokens.

Key Features

  1. RESTful Data API: Safely interact with the Workflow Engine database without risking internal process disruptions.
  2. RPC API (Coming soon…): Remotely manage the Workflow Engine Runtime instance.
  3. Permission-based Security: Fine-tune access to each API endpoint and generate claims for your users.


To work with the Workflow API, you need to connect two packages: the main package OptimaJet.Workflow.Api and a database provider package that suits the provider you are using in Workflow Engine.


All the packages are .NET 8.0 compatible.

Package IDDescription
OptimaJet.Workflow.ApiMain library containing API endpoints and security.
OptimaJet.Workflow.Api.SqlImplementation for SQL providers.
OptimaJet.Workflow.Api.MssqlProvider for MS SQL Server or Azure SQL.
OptimaJet.Workflow.Api.MysqlProvider for MySQL.
OptimaJet.Workflow.Api.OracleProvider for Oracle.
OptimaJet.Workflow.Api.PostgresProvider for PostgreSQL.
OptimaJet.Workflow.Api.SqliteProvider for SQLite.
OptimaJet.Workflow.Api.MongoProvider for MongoDB or Azure Cosmos DB.


The primary component of the Workflow API is Workflow API Core, which contains the logic for building API endpoints. It is also mandatory to include one of the Data components, which contain the logic for interacting with the database. The other components are optional.

Workflow API CoreMain component containing API endpoints builder.+Core
Workflow API DataData provider component for Workflow API.+Data
Workflow API SecurityPermission-based security component for Workflow API.-Security

API Specification

You can use automatically generated Open API documentation to familiarize yourself with the API endpoints, request compositions, and potential responses. In the GitHub sample, you will find a pre-generated swagger files. In the Get Started template, this file will be generated automatically, and the Swagger UI will open when you run the application.

You can also download the API specification from the website in JSON and YAML formats, or visit the Swagger Editor and import one of these URLs via File -> Import URL.