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Custom Activity

Custom Activity - the activity with custom edit form and custom visual display on canvas.

Creating custom activity

For creating a custom Activity, a class inherited from ActivityBase should be created. In the Parameters field of ActivityBase, two parameters, Name and State are stored; those are the name of the Activity and its state.

You can add variables of your own in the constructor. The variables are similar to the parameters in IDesignerParameterFormatProvider.

Parameters.Add(new CodeActionParameterDefinition()
Name = "Comment",
Type = ParameterType.TextArea

On entering this Activity, the Workflow Engine calls the ExecutionAsync method (PreExecutionAsync for PreExecution mode).

Example of a class:

using OptimaJet.Workflow.Core;
using OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Model;
using OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime;

public class MyCustomActivity: ActivityBase
public MyCustomActivity() : base()
Type = "MyCustomActivity";
Title = "My Custom Activity";
Description = "The action is mine";

// the file name with your form template, without extension
Template = "MyFormTemplate";
// the file name with your svg template, without extension
SVGTemplate = "MySVGTemplate";

Parameters.Add(new CodeActionParameterDefinition()
Name = "MyField",
Type = ParameterType.TextArea

public override async Task ExecutionAsync(WorkflowRuntime runtime,
ProcessInstance processInstance, Dictionary<string, string> parameters,
CancellationToken token)
foreach(var item in parameters)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key} - {item.Value}");

public override async Task PreExecutionAsync(WorkflowRuntime runtime,
ProcessInstance processInstance, Dictionary<string, string> parameters,
CancellationToken token)


Custom form


If you don't want to create a custom form for an activity, just don't populate the Template and SVGTemplate fields in your custom activity. Just comment out the fields:

    // the file name with your form template, without extension
//Template = "MyFormTemplate";
// the file name with your svg template, without extension
//SVGTemplate = "MySVGTemplate";

To change the Activity form, you should create a new file with the .html extension in the templates folder, and specify its name in the Template field.

As an example, you can copy activity.html from the Designer. Don't forget to rename the initialization function (see the explanation below).

An activity template is a Vue.js application. Each template has two parts:

  1. HTML.
  2. JavaScript.

Each template must contain an initialization function named templateName_Init, for example, for a template activity it will be activity_Init, for a template decision it will be decision_Init. This function will be called after the template is loaded. The initialization function takes one parameter me, which is an instance of the activity window.

Do not use the - character in the template name, as well as other characters that cannot be used in the JavaScript function name. Instead, use camelCase for the template name.

You should also add me.VueConfig.methods.onUpdate method that accepts one item parameter - activity data. In this method, you can initialize the form data.

<h3>Your form name</h3>
<!-- Your Vue.js form -->
<script type="application/javascript">
function customActivity_Init(me) {
// implementation

me.VueConfig.methods.onUpdate = function (item) {
// implementation

Custom canvas element

To change the Activity image in the canvas, you should create a new file with the .svg extension in the templates/elements folder, and specify its name in the SVGTemplate field.

As an example, you can copy activity.svg from the Designer.


For registration, the WithCustomActivities method of the WorkflowRuntime should be executed:

_runtime.WithCustomActivities(new List<ActivityBase>() {new MyCustomActivity()});

Or you can register only one custom activity:

_runtime.WithCustomActivity(new MyCustomActivity());

All custom Activities will be displayed in the Elements panel:


To add your custom activity to the scheme, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Elements panel.
  2. Find the activity in the list of elements or use Search.
  3. Drag the element to the canvas.

Existing templates

You can find an existing templates for activities in our GitHub repository as well as custom canvas elements.