Workflow Server Configuration
Here are the main Workflow Server settings as seen in the config.json file:
"url": "http://*:8077/"
β URL that Workflow Server will be accessible at.
"BackendFolder": "../backend"
β path, where Workflow Serverβs web interface files are located.
"NoStartWorkflow": false
β if true, then WorkflowRuntime will not be launched.
"DisableTimeManager": false
β if true, then WorkflowRuntime will be launched without TimerManager and you will not be able to use timers
in your processes.
"DisableInbox": false
β if true, then Inbox will not be populated automatically.
"DisableStats": false
β if true, then statistics will not be populated and will not be available in reports.
"log": false
β if true, then logging will be disabled. This setting is obsolete since WFS 2.3.
"CallBackCacheTimeout": 300000
β time during which the names of Actions, Conditions and Rules, defined in CallbackServer, are cached; upon
expiration the names will be requested again.
"BlockMetadataChanges": false
β if true, then editing server settings through admin panel will be disabled.
"CertificateFile": "WFS.pfx"
β for HTTPS, path to the pfx certificate.
"CertificatePassword": "password"
- for HTTPS, password for the pfx certificate.
"DebugMode": true
β turns on debug mode for Workflow Server (only when Workflow Server launched from the IDE).
"CreateMetadata": false
- if the value is true, checks for the existence of schema objects in the database upon server launch and creates
them if they do not exist.
"InitialScriptsFolder": ""
β path to SQL scripts used to create the database if CreateMetadata equals to true. The parameter is needed to
support server's operation within a container; it is set automatically when a container is built.
"LicensePath": ""
β path to a folder containing the license.key file.
"DefaultLoggerConfig": {...}
β used to set default logger parameters. The object structure looks as follows:
"DefaultLoggerConfig": {
// console logging levels:
"ConsoleTarget": [ "Debug", "Information", "Error" ],
// VS Debug logging levels:
"DebugTarget": [ "Debug", "Information", "Error" ],
// Event Log logging levels (for a Windows service):
"EventLogTarget": [ "Debug", "Information", "Error" ],
// File logging levels:
"FileTarget": [ "Debug", "Information", "Error" ],
// File logging settings:
"FileSettings": {
"FileName": "/path/to/log.txt",
"MaxFileSize": 10000,
"RollingInterval": "Day",
"RetainedFileCountLimit": 30
The following settings govern MS SQL connection:
"Provider": "mssql",
"ConnectionString": "Data Source=VIRTUAL-WIN10_1\\SQL2017;Initial Catalog=DEMO_WFS;Integrated Security=False;User ID=sa;Password=1"
The following settings govern PostgreSQL connection:
"Provider": "postgresql",
"ConnectionString": "User ID=postgres;Password=1;Host=VIRTUAL-WIN10_1;Port=5432;Database=wfeserver;"
The following settings govern Oracle connection:
"Provider": "oracle",
"ConnectionString": "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(COMMUNITY = = TCP)(Host = MyHost)(Port = 1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=MyOracleSID)));User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;"
The following settings govern MySql connection:
"Provider": "mysql",
"ConnectionString": "server=;uid=root;pwd=myPassword;database=WorkflowServer"
The following settings govern MongoDB or Cosmos DB connection:
"Provider": "mongodb",
"ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017/WorkflowServer"