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Workflow Server: Release Notes



  • Updated to Workflow Engine .NET 5.2.1.
  • Added LDAP password encryption (Working with Users).



  • Fixed launching docker container on CentOS.
  • Fixed sample on the site.



  • Added mapping of LDAP attributes in LDAP settings.



  • Updated to Workflow Engine .NET 5.2. Please review the Workflow Engine Release notes to find out what functionality of Workflow appeared in Workflow Server.
  • Added a Filter and Connection Test features into LDAP Setting.

Breaking changes​

  • If you are using SetParameter action/activity from the Basic Plugin pay attention that:

    • Before the parameter value was always interpreted as a string
    • Now the parameter value is the compilable expression

    If you need to preserve old behavior please switch on the "Don't compile expressions" setting of the Basic Plugin.

Update instructions​

The following additional actions must be taken to upgrade to Workflow Server 2.9:


The following additional actions must be taken to upgrade to Workflow Server 2.8:


  • Updated to Workflow Engine .NET 5.0
  • Workflow Server application now runs on .NET Core 3.1 platform.
  • Users are added to the database and Admin panel. Users can be created and modified through the Admin panel, through the Workflow API methods and using synchronization via LDAP.
  • Users can be assigned with Roles, thus the role-based authorization of full value became available in the Workflow.
  • Added authorization for forms based on OpenId, added authentication option via Facebook, Google and Okta.
  • CallbackApi is now able to connect multiple callback servers.
  • Files Plugin and Loops Plugin from Workflow Engine .NET have been added.
  • Added an option to import and export server configuration. All server settings, schemes, code actions, forms and users are exported (and imported).
  • Added Developer Mode, in which the server configuration is also saved to hard drive. The directory is specified in the configuration file of a specific instance.
  • Added an option to embed forms into other web-sites and applications.
  • In the Workflow API has been added the Resume method which resumes the process execution.
  • In the Workflow API has been added a method to update the process scheme to a new one. The same feature has been added to the Admin panel interface.

The following additional actions must be taken to upgrade to Workflow Server 2.7:

  • Install .NET Core 3.1, if you don't already install it.

  • Run the SQL script update_wfs_2_7 for all relative databases and MongoDB.

  • Add the following settings into the configuration file.

    "DeveloperMode": false,
    "ExternalEventLoggerConfig": {
    "ConsoleTarget": [ "Error" ]
    "AuthorityUrl" : "http://localhost:8077",
    "IdentityServerSettings": {
    "CertificateFile": "IdentityServer4Auth.pfx",
    "CertificatePassword": "password",
    "RedirectHosts": [ "http://localhost:8077", "http://localhost:8078" ],
    "RedirectUrls": [],
    "UseHostRedirectValidator": false


  • Updated to Workflow Engine .NET 4.2

  • Support of the multi-server mode has been added. If you need to run the Workflow Server instance in multi-server mode, add the following setting to the config.json file.

    "IsMultiServer": true
  • Added database logs with records search possibility.

  • Added new Workflow API methods for managing a Workflow Server instance. Start, Stop and IsActive.

  • Added ability to develop the end-user forms (frontend interface) based on Vue.js. It is the beta version. Access control for these forms will be added in the next version.

If you use global Code Actions and you have several servers deployed, then to apply the changes you need to restart each of them. To do this, you can use the Start method from the Workflow API.

The following additional actions must be taken to upgrade to Workflow Server 2.6:


  • Updated to Workflow Engine .NET 4.0
  • Support for multi-tenant applications.
    • TenantId has been added to processes. When creating a process using the createinstance WorkflowAPI method, one can specify TenantId and use its value to work with the process. Also, when manipulating a process using WorkflowAPI methods, one can optionally assign TenantId; once TenantId is specified, its compliance with the initial TenantId value set at the process creation is automatically checked.
    • For schemes one can specify tags, and then, search for schemes where these tags are indicated. Tags can be set on the Workflow/Manage Schemes admin page. In the getschemelist WorkflowAPI method, one can specify a list of tags to search for schemes. The search is performed using an OR expression.
  • The possibility to set a login and a password to access the WorkflowServer admin panel has been provided. This setting is available on the Dashboard page in the Security tab.
  • The possibility to set an access token to access the WorkflowAPI methods has been provided. This setting is available on the Dashboard page in the Security tab.
  • The Basic Plugin has been connected to the WorkflowServer, it can be enabled on the Dashboard page in the Plugins tab. For a full list of methods, please, see here.
  • Using the createinstance, executecommand and get state of WorkflowAPI methods, one can pass implicit (that is, not explicitly described in the process scheme) persistent parameters. A parameter can also be a valid JSON object of any complexity. In this case, the type DynamicParameter should be applied to control such a parameter in the code.
  • The getparameter and setparameter methods to read and modify process parameters have been added to WorkflowAPI.
  • Intellisense has been added to the Code Actions editor, in schemes and in the Workflow / Global Code Actions section of the admin panel.
  • In the API / Workflow API section, forms to execute WorkflowAPI methods have been added; an example request is also generated there.

Update guide to WFS 2.5​

The following additional actions must be taken to upgrade to Workflow Server 2.5:

  • Run the following SQL script for all relative databases.

  • IMPORTANT! Incorrect behavior was fixed when the subprocess was merged in the parent process via the set state of the parent process mechanism. Previously, the parent process parameters were OVERWRITTEN. Now, the parent process parameters won't be changed. Only new parameters from the subprocess will be written to the parent process automatically. The same way the merge via calculating conditions always works. If you consciously exploited this behavior, then the best way to get parameters from the subprocess is to use a property processInstance.MergedSubprocessParameters when merge occurs.

  • In the previous versions, implicit parameters passed by the WorkflowAPI methods were always interpreted as strings. Starting from version 2.5, the WorkflowServer converts these parameters to types (int, bool, double, DynamicParameter etc.). If it’s important for you to keep the old behavior, add the following setting to the config.json file.

    "ImplicitParametersParsingType": "Legacy"
  • In the previous versions, process parameters were transferred to Callback server in the camel case. That is, the first letter of the parameter name (for example, 'Parameter1') became small ('parameter1'). Now, the parameter name will not change. If it’s important for you to keep the old behavior, add the following setting to the config.json file.

    "CallbackServerJsonSerialization": "CamelCase"


  • Updated to Workflow Engine .NET 4.0

The following additional actions must be taken to upgrade to Workflow Server 2.4:

  • Run the SQL script update_WFE_4_0.sql for all relative databases.


  • Added localization for German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, and Russian languages.
  • Added a setting that enables you to specify the database schema the server connects to - SchemaName.
  • The GetSchemeList method which returns a list of schemas the server has was added to the server API.
  • A logging system was added. Errors, debug info and info messages are logged into the console, debug output or files. Logging can also be performed to the Windows Event Log for a Windows service.
  • The LogInfo, LogError, LogMessage methods were added to write to the log from outside the server.
  • The WorkflowRuntime object which is always accessible in standard Workflow Engine Actions has new capabilities. runtime.Logger - object - logger to write messages to log. runtime.LogError(), runtime.LogDebug(), runtime.LogInfo() - methods to write messages to log.
  • The docker container that has a server with an ability to pass all config parameters for a setup was published.


  • MongoDB support has been added. This type of connection also works with Cosmos DB.


  • Added Oracle and MySQL support
  • The ExecuteCommand method from WorkflowAPI returns information on whether the command was executed and process state after execution (including all process parameters)
  • The source code of a console application which you can connect your IWorkflowActionProvider and IWorkflowRuleProvider to and perform fine-tuning of Workflow Engine was uploaded to GitHub


  • First release of Workflow Server 2.0