Introducing Formengine - The New Formbuilder, try for FREE
Here you can download the Workflow Engine version to be integrated into your project as a library. This version is intended for .NET Standard 2.0. With each release, major or minor, Workflow Engine is thoroughly tested and we guarantee its compatibility with .NET Core 2.1, .NET Core 3.1, .NET Framework 4.6.2 and .NET 6.0.
You can find an ASP.NET Core MVC example here.
If you have a microservice architecture and you need an admin panel to manage your workflows, please, have a look at Workflow Server, which is a standalone application with an ability to be integrated via a REST API and works under Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Release Date
WorkflowEngine 16.4.0 .NET Core
DownloadThe samples should be opened in Visual Studio 2019
Release Date
.NET Core Sample
Download1. Workflow Engine
Workflow Engine Core
PM> Install-Package WorkflowEngine.NETCore-CoreCopy
Workflow Engine Designer
The Workflow Engine Designer is not delivered as a NuGet package. Read how to connect it here.
2. Providers
PM> Install-Package WorkflowEngine.NETCore-ProviderForMSSQLCopy
PM> Install-Package WorkflowEngine.NETCore-ProviderForPostgreSQLCopy
PM> Install-Package WorkflowEngine.NETCore-ProviderForOracleCopy
PM> Install-Package WorkflowEngine.NETCore-ProviderForMySQLCopy
MongoDB (Cosmos DB)
PM> Install-Package WorkflowEngine.NETCore-ProviderForMongoDBCopy
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