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Case Study: Workflow Engine for BPM Software

Reading time: 2 minutes 50 seconds


DWKit is a BPM platform based on .NET Core and React JS that helps to build custom enterprise solutions including HR, CMS, document approval systems and many others in a snap.


DWKit required a lightweight and easy to use workflow engine with perpetual license and a visual designer to enable end-users without strong technical skills to draft business processes that the system would run on.


It took only a couple of weeks to set up the environment of Workflow Engine and integrate it into DWKit’s data model. The integration of Workflow Engine into the solution provided for the automation of any business processes end-users could now create, be it vacation requests, invoice approvals, work orders, document approvals, etc.


Besides, the usage of Workflow Engine’s inbuilt visual designer made it possible for users to change a workflow scheme without having specific knowledge such as BPMN 2.0. The users can design and edit custom workflows without writing code. It reduces expenses for changing workflow process since each employee can easily change routing if necessary.


Currently, Workflow Engine is one of DWKit’s four key components. The integrated solution is used by medium and large companies working in various industries with 100-5000 end-users.

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