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Can I integrate Workflow Designer into an Angular or React app?

Yes, you can. In fact, Workflow Engine's Designer can be integrated into any HTML page, since it runs on JavaScript.


  1. WorkflowEngine Designer for Angular Sample
  2. WorkflowEngine Designer for React Sample
  3. WorkflowEngine Designer for JavaScript Sample

Say you’ve got the following error:

__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__external_workflowdesigner_min_js__ is not a constructor

Probably, that means that you tried to import the Workflow Designer like this:

import WorkflowDesigner from './scripts/workflowdesigner.min.js'

Please, don’t do that. It doesn't work, because WorkflowDesigner is defined as a global JS object. In order to integrate it into an Angular or React application, do the following:

  1. Include workflowdesigner.min.js and other libraries to your HTML page like this:
<script src="/scripts/workflowdesigner.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  1. Add a div with the id attribute to an Angular template or a render method in React:
<div id="wfdesigner"></div>
  1. After it’s rendered, use the WorkflowDesigner global JS object (or window.WorkflowDesigner) like this:
var wfdesigner = new WorkflowDesigner({
name: 'simpledesigner',
apiurl: '/Designer/API',
renderTo: 'wfdesigner',
imagefolder: '/Images/',
graphwidth: 1200,
graphheight: 600

You can find more information on how to initialize WorkflowDesigner's JS object and required libraries here.

Besides, you can have a look at an example of integrating Workflow Designer into an Angular application on GitHub.

This sample uses the resources and the server-side of our demo stand available at You need to turn on CORS in your browser for the sample to work properly. You can do that via a Chrome extension. Use a search engine to look for solutions for other browsers.

Angular 1 Angular 2