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How to create document history for status changes

  • Register two functions in IWorkflowActionProvider:
    • The first function (WriteTransitionHistory) is for making a list. Use the process Instance.IdentityIds to form a list of potential approvers.
    • The second function (UpdateTransitionHistory) is for adding current action into the table of history changes.
  • Add these functions into "Implementation" and "Pre-Execute Implementation" units for each Activity that defines the document status.
  • Subscribe to ProcessStatusChanged event in WorkflowRuntime. In the command handler, do the following:
    • Delete empty history fields (if exists).
    • Call PreExecuteFromCurrentActivity method in WorkflowRuntime.

Example of method for PreExecute Implementation

public static void WriteTransitionHistory(ProcessInstance processInstance, string parameter)
if (processInstance.IdentityIds == null)
var currentstate = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentState);
var nextState = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.ExecutedActivityState);
var command = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedCommandName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentCommand);
using (var context = new DataModelDataContext())
GetEmployeesString(processInstance.IdentityIds, context);
var historyItem = new DocumentTransitionHistory
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
AllowedToEmployeeNames = GetEmployeesString(processInstance.IdentityIds, context),
DestinationState = nextState,
DocumentId = processInstance.ProcessId,
InitialState = currentstate,
Command = command

Example of method for Implementation

public static void UpdateTransitionHistory(ProcessInstance processInstance, string parameter)
var currentstate = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentState);
var nextState = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedStateName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.ExecutedActivityState);
var command = WorkflowInit.Runtime.GetLocalizedCommandName(processInstance.ProcessId, processInstance.CurrentCommand);
using (var context = new DataModelDataContext())
var historyItem =
h => h.DocumentId == processInstance.ProcessId && !h.TransitionTime.HasValue &&
h.InitialState == currentstate && h.DestinationState == nextState);
if (historyItem == null)
historyItem = new DocumentTransitionHistory
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
AllowedToEmployeeNames = string.Empty,
DestinationState = nextState,
DocumentId = processInstance.ProcessId,
InitialState = currentstate
historyItem.Command = command;
historyItem.TransitionTime = DateTime.Now;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(processInstance.IdentityId))
historyItem.EmployeeId = null;
historyItem.EmployeeId = new Guid(processInstance.IdentityId);