Interface IBulkApi
API for executing WorkflowRuntime methods in bulk processing mode.
Namespace: OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk
Assembly: OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.dll
Syntaxpublic interface IBulkApi
CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<CreateInstanceParams>, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.CreateInstanceAsync(OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.CreateInstanceParams%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<CreateInstanceParams> createInstanceParams, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<CreateInstanceParams> | createInstanceParams | Collection of CreateInstanceParams for each process instance will be created. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the key is <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.CreateInstanceParams.ProcessId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>. |
CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<Guid>, string, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.CreateInstanceAsync(System.String%2cSystem.Guid%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> processIds, string schemaCode, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for each process instance will be created. |
string | schemaCode | Schema code for which process instances will be created. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<Guid>, string, string, string, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.CreateInstanceAsync(System.String%2cSystem.Guid%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> processIds, string schemaCode, string identityId, string impersonatedIdentityId, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for each process instance will be created. |
string | schemaCode | Schema code for which process instances will be created. |
string | identityId | The user ID that executes the initial command if the command is available. |
string | impersonatedIdentityId | The user ID whose behalf the command is executed if the command is available. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<Guid>, string, IDictionary<string, object>, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.CreateInstanceAsync(System.String%2cSystem.Guid%2cSystem.Collections.Generic.IDictionary%7bSystem.String%2cSystem.Object%7d%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> processIds, string schemaCode, IDictionary<string, object> schemeCreationParameters, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for each process instance will be created. |
string | schemaCode | Schema code for which process instances will be created. |
IDictionary<string, object> | schemeCreationParameters | Parameters for creating the process scheme (defining parameters). |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<Guid>, string, string, string, IDictionary<string, object>, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.CreateInstanceAsync(System.String%2cSystem.Guid%2cSystem.Collections.Generic.IDictionary%7bSystem.String%2cSystem.Object%7d%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> CreateInstanceAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> processIds, string schemaCode, string identityId, string impersonatedIdentityId, IDictionary<string, object> schemeCreationParameters, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for each process instance will be created. |
string | schemaCode | Schema code for which process instances will be created. |
string | identityId | The user ID that executes the initial command if the command is available. |
string | impersonatedIdentityId | The user ID whose behalf the command is executed if the command is available. |
IDictionary<string, object> | schemeCreationParameters | Parameters for creating the process scheme (defining parameters). |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
GetProcessInstanceAndFillProcessParametersAsync(IEnumerable<Guid>, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, ProcessInstance>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes WorkflowRuntime.GetProcessInstanceAndFillProcessParametersAsync(Guid) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<ProcessInstance>>> GetProcessInstanceAndFillProcessParametersAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> processIds, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, ProcessInstance>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for which process instance will be obtained. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, ProcessInstance>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<ProcessInstance>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
GetProcessInstancesTreeAsync(IEnumerable<Guid>, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, ProcessInstancesTree>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.GetProcessInstancesTreeAsync(System.Guid%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<ProcessInstancesTree>>> GetProcessInstancesTreeAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> rootProcessIds, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, ProcessInstancesTree>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<Guid> | rootProcessIds | Collection of process ids for which process instance tree will be obtained. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, ProcessInstancesTree>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<ProcessInstancesTree>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">rootProcessIds</code> items. |
GetProcessInstancesTreeAsync(IEnumerable<ProcessInstance>, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, ProcessInstancesTree>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.GetProcessInstancesTreeAsync(OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Model.ProcessInstance%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<ProcessInstancesTree>>> GetProcessInstancesTreeAsync(IEnumerable<ProcessInstance> processInstances, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, ProcessInstancesTree>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<ProcessInstance> | processInstances | Collection of process instances for which process instance tree will be obtained. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, ProcessInstancesTree>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<ProcessInstancesTree>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the key is the <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Model.ProcessInstance.ProcessId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>. |
GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<ProcessInstance>, IEnumerable<string>, string?, string?, CultureInfo?, bool, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.GetAvailableCommandsAsync(OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Model.ProcessInstance%2cSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable%7bSystem.String%7d%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.Globalization.CultureInfo%2cSystem.Boolean%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<ProcessInstance> processInstances, IEnumerable<string> identityIds, string? commandNameFilter = null, string? mainIdentityId = null, CultureInfo? culture = null, bool conditionCheck = false, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<ProcessInstance> | processInstances | Collection of process instances for which the search for available commands will be performed. |
IEnumerable<string> | identityIds | List of user IDs for which the initial commands list is formed. |
string | commandNameFilter | Selects only the specified command if not null. |
string | mainIdentityId | User ID for priority checking of rules. |
CultureInfo | culture | Culture to localize command and command parameter names. |
bool | conditionCheck | If true, commands with failed condition checks will be excluded. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the key is the <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Model.ProcessInstance.ProcessId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>. |
GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<ProcessInstance>, string, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.GetAvailableCommandsAsync(OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Model.ProcessInstance%2cSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable%7bSystem.String%7d%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.Globalization.CultureInfo%2cSystem.Boolean%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<ProcessInstance> processInstances, string identityId, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<ProcessInstance> | processInstances | Collection of process instances for which the search for available commands will be performed. |
string | identityId | User IDs for whom the initial commands list is formed. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the key is the <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Model.ProcessInstance.ProcessId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>. |
GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<Guid>, IEnumerable<string>, string?, string?, CultureInfo?, bool, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.GetAvailableCommandsAsync(System.Guid%2cSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable%7bSystem.String%7d%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.Globalization.CultureInfo%2cSystem.Boolean%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> processIds, IEnumerable<string> identityIds, string? commandNameFilter = null, string? mainIdentityId = null, CultureInfo? culture = null, bool conditionCheck = false, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for which the search for available commands will be performed. |
IEnumerable<string> | identityIds | List of user IDs for which the initial commands list is formed. |
string | commandNameFilter | Selects only the specified command if not null. |
string | mainIdentityId | User ID for priority checking of rules. |
CultureInfo | culture | Culture to localize command and command parameter names. |
bool | conditionCheck | If true, commands with failed condition checks will be excluded. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<Guid>, string, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.GetAvailableCommandsAsync(System.Guid%2cSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable%7bSystem.String%7d%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.Globalization.CultureInfo%2cSystem.Boolean%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> processIds, string identityId, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for which the search for available commands will be performed. |
string | identityId | User IDs for whom the initial commands list is formed. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<Guid>, string, CultureInfo, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.GetAvailableCommandsAsync(System.Guid%2cSystem.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable%7bSystem.String%7d%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.Globalization.CultureInfo%2cSystem.Boolean%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> GetAvailableCommandsAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> processIds, string identityId, CultureInfo culture, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for which the search for available commands will be performed. |
string | identityId | User IDs for whom the initial commands list is formed. |
CultureInfo | culture | Culture to localize command and command parameter names. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, List<WorkflowCommand>>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<List<WorkflowCommand>>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
ExecuteCommandAsync(IEnumerable<WorkflowCommand>, string, string, bool, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, CommandExecutionResult>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.ExecuteCommandAsync(OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowCommand%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken%2cSystem.Boolean) for each of the specified commands .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<CommandExecutionResult>>> ExecuteCommandAsync(IEnumerable<WorkflowCommand> commands, string identityId, string impersonatedIdentityId, bool checkRestrictions = false, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, CommandExecutionResult>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<WorkflowCommand> | commands | A collection of commands for which the command execution will be performed. |
string | identityId | The user ID that initiates the command execution. |
string | impersonatedIdentityId | The user ID on whose behalf the command is executed (impersonation). |
bool | checkRestrictions | If set to true, actor restriction check will be performed for every transition. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, CommandExecutionResult>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<CommandExecutionResult>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the key is the <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowCommand.ProcessId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>. |
ExecuteCommandWithRestrictionCheckAsync(IEnumerable<WorkflowCommand>, string, string, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, CommandExecutionResult>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.ExecuteCommandWithRestrictionCheckAsync(OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowCommand%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.String%2cSystem.Threading.CancellationToken) for each of the specified commands .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<CommandExecutionResult>>> ExecuteCommandWithRestrictionCheckAsync(IEnumerable<WorkflowCommand> commands, string identityId, string impersonatedIdentityId, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, CommandExecutionResult>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
IEnumerable<WorkflowCommand> | commands | A collection of commands for which the command execution will be performed. |
string | identityId | The user ID that initiates the command execution. |
string | impersonatedIdentityId | The user ID on whose behalf the command is executed (impersonation). |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, CommandExecutionResult>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<CommandExecutionResult>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the key is the <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowCommand.ProcessId" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>. |
UpdateSchemeIfObsoleteAsync(List<Guid>, IDictionary<string, object>, bool, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.WorkflowRuntime.UpdateSchemeIfObsoleteAsync(System.Guid%2cSystem.Collections.Generic.IDictionary%7bSystem.String%2cSystem.Object%7d%2cSystem.Boolean) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> UpdateSchemeIfObsoleteAsync(List<Guid> processIds, IDictionary<string, object> parameters, bool ignoreAutoSchemeUpdate = false, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
List<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for which scheme update will be performed. |
IDictionary<string, object> | parameters | Parameters for creating the scheme of the process. |
bool | ignoreAutoSchemeUpdate | If set to true, the attribute of the Activity — IsAutoScheme update will be ignored. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
UpdateSchemeIfObsoleteAsync(List<Guid>, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes WorkflowRuntime.UpdateSchemeIfObsoleteAsync(Guid) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> UpdateSchemeIfObsoleteAsync(List<Guid> processIds, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
List<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids for which scheme update will be performed. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
DeleteInstanceAsync(List<Guid>, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes WorkflowRuntime.DeleteInstanceAsync(Guid) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> DeleteInstanceAsync(List<Guid> processIds, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
List<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process IDs for which the process instance will be deleted. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, Empty>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<Empty>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |
IsProcessExistsAsync(List<Guid>, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, bool>>?, int?, bool?, CancellationToken)
Executes WorkflowRuntime.IsProcessExistsAsync(Guid) for each of the specified .
DeclarationTask<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<bool>>> IsProcessExistsAsync(List<Guid> processIds, EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, bool>>? taskFinalizedHandler = null, int? maxDegreeOfParallelism = null, bool? throwOnError = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
Type | Name | Description |
List<Guid> | processIds | Collection of process ids to be checked for existence. |
EventHandler<BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs<Guid, bool>> | taskFinalizedHandler | Event handler invoked upon the completion of each individual task in the entire list. It takes the task's progress and intermediate result as arguments <xref href="OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Runtime.Bulk.BulkTaskFinalizedEventArgs%602" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref>, allowing you to display a progress bar or perform other useful work during the execution of a bulk task. |
int? | maxDegreeOfParallelism | Maximum degree of parallelism that determines the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks in BulkApi methods. |
bool? | throwOnError | When set to true, if at least one task has been processed with an error, after all tasks are completed, an <xref href="System.AggregateException" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> will be thrown with a collection of all thrown exceptions. |
CancellationToken | cancellationToken | Cancellation Token will be observed during the execution of tasks. If cancellation is requested, new tasks will stop being executed, while the waiting for already launched tasks will continue. |
Type | Description |
Task<Dictionary<Guid, BulkTaskResult<bool>>> | Dictionary with the results of the operation and the final state of each individual task, where the keys are <code data-dev-comment-type="paramref" class="paramref">processIds</code> items. |